Party Activities
Guess how many… Pick and play Roll a Monster (with sign)
Custom Party Activities can be used to add some fun to your party and keep your guests occupied. Activities can be fun for kids and adults and can be tailored to your guests’ age group. These items will be customized to match your party theme. Party Activities can include:
- Scavenger Hunt
- Coloring Page
- Word Search or Crossword Puzzle
- Unscramble Letters or Decode a Message
- and so many more options…
Each Party Activities package includes one activity for 8 guests.
Package Price $15 for each activity (or $25 for 2 activities)
Party Games
Pin the…. Knock Down Toss the…
Party Games get your guests more involved in your party. These may require some moving and guest interaction. Games can be designed for kids of all ages, even adults enjoy playing! Party Games can include:
- “Tic-Tac-Toe” style game
- “Toss the ___” with bucket(s)
- “Hide and Find”
- Scavenger Hunt, including up to 10 items to find
- Relay races or Obstacle courses
- Shoot (or throw), including target(s)
- “Pin the ___ on the ____” game
- Roll a Dice and Draw
- and more…tell me about your party and get a unique game!
Each Party Games package can be played over and over, so…no limit on the number of guests who can enjoy!
Package Price $25 for one game (or $40 for two games)
Place Mats
Place Mats can keep your table tidy, but can also be another point of interaction at your party. All Place Mats from Kristina’s Creations will have activities to keep your guests entertained. Opt for laminated Place Mats, receive dry erase markers, and let the mat double as a favor. Your party Place Mats will be designed with your theme and color scheme in mind. Some activities included are:
- Maze
- Crossword Puzzle or Word Search
- Connect the dots
- “Design a ____”: funny face, character, fill in the outfit, etc..
- Spot the difference
- “How Many ____?”
- Crack the Code
Click here to see the Spring Sample.
Each Place Mat package includes 8 place mats.
Package Price $25 for 3 activities (or $30 for 4 activities)
Add Lamination and Dry Erase Markers COMING SOON